Starting a Campaign in Microworkers

Microworkers Starting a Campaign

Step No.1  If you want to target any specific Countries or Zone, You can define the desired country or region. Otherwise Select the option of International.

Step No. 2  Select the Category for your campaign. Predefined Categories are available. If your Specific task is not present in the subject category, Then You can define it in option "Other". Define the estimated time to finish this task and available positions as well as earning for the worker.

Step No.3  Speed of your task is the next option. If you want to complete your task rapidly then you can assign speed as "1000" as it is the fastest speed and "1" indicates the slowest speed. Give the "Title" for your task and in the window "What is needed to be done", define the job description. If the job is complex one, then define your task in brief the steps involved during the task. Finally, required proof you needed for the completed task. So that You can find that the subject task is completed satisfactory by the worker.


  1. thanks for this tutorial of microworker this wil help me to get start.

  2. hi there i want to know howto remove the campaign.
    i have no idea about campaign so that i want to remove it but i have no idea how to remove it.
    plzzzz help me.

  3. Thanks a lot for sharing this tutorial. Keep blogging.


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